
The Heart of
the Heartland

We’re a small town set in the rolling wheat fields of northwest Kansas, just three hours from Denver but light years from the stress of modern life.


square miles


friendly people




above sea level

Find your opportunity

We’re a small town in the heart of the heartland — and we need your help. We’re looking for hard-working, good-hearted people to join our community and call Bird City home.

While we honor our heritage of working the land, we’re also looking for insights and ideas that can take us beyond the farm. Photographers, financial advisors, teachers, entrepreneurs and nurses work alongside us and enrich the community.

We welcome diverse people and professionals who have heart — who care about their neighbors, who aren’t afraid of an honest day’s work and who are eager to help build a better Bird City.

Join us — and celebrate the big-hearted way of life we live every day in the heart of the heartland™.

Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Contact us

We’re here to answer any questions